Should You Start A Blog? Four Things No One Tells You About Blogging.

Lisa van der Velde
5 min readJul 6, 2021
Should I start a blog — woman sitting at desk with a laptop and phone.
Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

Are you wondering wether you should start a blog? Or what the downside of blogging might be?

Blogging can be fun and exciting, but it’s also a long-term commitment that will take time and effort.

So before you dive in head first and start your blog, it’s a good idea to weigh up the pros and cons.

Let’s have a look at 4 things no one tells you about starting a blog.

1. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme

If you want to make lots of money fast, blogging is not your best option.

Although you can make a lot of money blogging, it is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Blogging takes time. It requires hard work, determination and persistence.

A brand new blog won’t make much money, it will take a while to grow your blog content, your blog traffic and your income.

Depending on how much time and effort you put into your blog, it can take several years to make a full time income.

2. Blogging is hard work

Don’t be fooled and think that bloggers sit on exotic beaches with their laptop and a cocktail and type a few words when inspiration strikes.

No no no.

Blogging is hard work. From content creating to blog promoting to website maintenance to networking, there’s always work to be done.

Especially at the start of your blogging career, when you have to build your website and write a lot of content, you’ll be putting in lots of unpaid hours.

Luckily it gets better with time, but trust me, when you have a blog you’ll never be bored again!

3. You won’t have a fixed income

If your cost of living is high it can be risky relying on a blog income.

Your blog traffic will fluctuate month by month and so will your sales and bank balance.

Not having a fixed income can be stressful and for some people not an option.

The best way to get around this problem is by starting a blog as a side hustle and wait until you make enough money before you start blogging full-time.

4. Blogging can be lonely

Even though you’ll probably love being your own boss and working for yourself, blogging can get a bit lonely.

As a blogger you tend to be a one-woman-show and do most (or all) tasks by yourself.

If you enjoy your own company this might not be a problem, but if you feel like you need co-workers to bounce off, there’s a good chance blogging is not for you.

If despite these disadvantages you are still seriously considering starting a blog, here’s a few great reasons to go for it!

8 Reasons Why You Should Start A Blog

1. Share your passion and knowledge

Most people start a blog to share their passion and help others. It doesn’t matter what your blog topic is, if you solve your readers’ problems, your blog content will always be in demand.

You don’t need to be a guru at your chosen blog topic either, as long as you are one step ahead of your audience, you can help them out.

2. Have a creative outlet

If you’re a creative person, a blog will be the perfect outlet for you!

Besides writing and sharing your ideas you’ll need some creativity for creating blog & social media graphics, your branding & logo design and finding creative ways to promote and monetise your blog.

3. Learn new skills

Blogging requires a lot of skills besides writing and editing.

New skills you most likely will learn are: website design & maintenance, Wordpress, email marketing, social media marketing and maybe you’ll even venture into the world of YouTube or Podcasts.

To increase your blog income you might also want to learn how to create your own digital products like courses, ebooks or other downloadable digital files.

The fun thing about blogging is that there is always something new to learn and it never gets boring!

4. Meet new people

Blogging is a great way to meet new people and make online friends.

The blogging community is very welcoming and helpful and it’s easy to make connections with other bloggers by commenting on a blog posts or answering questions in Facebook groups.

You can also reach out to bloggers in a similar niche for collaborations and guest posts.

5. Build your confidence

Although blogging may seem like the perfect job for introverts, there are definitely a few aspects that will require you to come out of your shell.

It might seem daunting at first to build a social media following or to create YouTube videos, but if you’re determined to grow your blog, you’ll be surprised what you’re capable of.

Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and trying new things are definitely great ways to build your confidence.

6. Earn an income

You can start a blog as a hobby but it’s not that hard to turn your blog traffic into dollar bills.

By adding affiliate links, ads or digital products to your blog you can start generating a passive income.

You can also provide services on your blog, like virtual assisting, proof reading, graphic design, web design etc.

To make the most money with your blog it’s a good idea to diversify your income stream by using multiple monetisation techniques.

7. Enjoy flexible working hours

Flexible working hours are definitely a big advantage of being a blogger.

Imagine ditching the 9 to 5 and having the freedom to work whenever and wherever you want.

With flexible hours, it will be easier to work around other commitments like being a parent, another job or travelling and you’ll be able to create a more enjoyable lifestyle.

8. Low start up costs

Starting a blog is probably one of the most affordable businesses to start.

Where most businesses require some investment, you can start blogging for the price of a cup of coffee per month.

So if you want to start a business but your budget is tight, starting a blog could be the answer for you!

Do you think you should start a blog?

If you are serious about starting a blog, it’s important to start the right way by making a plan. Because you know what they say:

If you’re failing to plan, you’re planning to fail.

I’ve created a Free Blog Planner Workbook to help you plan all the important details of your blog.

Grab my FREE BLOG PLANNER here: and plan your blog for success!



Lisa van der Velde

Blogger/Web Designer. I help non-tech women start a blog and grow it into a successful business. Grab Your Free Blog Planner Here: